Function provideMatIcons

  • Registers a Material icon set in the default namespace.

    WARNING: The icons string you pass in will bypass Angular's security measures! Including untrusted user data will expose your application to XSS security risks!

    By default, Angular Material configures your app to download font files that include all material icons. This is a helper for a technique to:

    • only download the icons your app uses
    • eliminate flickering in the UI that otherwise happens before the fonts load
    • reduce the number of network requests needed to load your app

    This technique requires you to manually download each icon you use, clean up its SVG source, and paste it into your source code. For example, you might create a file called icons.ts that looks like this, which contains two icons:

    export const icons = `
    <svg id="drag_handle"><path d="M20,9H4v2h16V9z M4,15h16v-2H4V15z"/></svg>
    <svg id="menu"><path d="M3 18h18v-2H3v2zm0-5h18v-2H3v2zm0-7v2h18V6H3z"/></svg>

    Then in your app.config or app.module, include it in your providers array like this:

    export const appConfig: ApplicationConfig = {
    providers: [

    Finally, display the icons in a template like this, where svgIcon matches the id you gave it above

    <mat-icon svgIcon="drag_handle" />
    <mat-icon svgIcon="menu" />

    To construct the icons string using svgs from the material team:

    1. Find the icon on
    2. Set the "Optical size" to 24px. You are free to modify other customizations.
    3. Download the SVG and paste its contents into your icons string.
    4. Set an id on the <svg> tag to the name of the icon.
    5. Delete any hard-coded colors (e.g. fill="#000000")
    6. At this point your icon should be working. If you care to, you can delete unnecessary attributes from the SVG, such as xmlns, width and height. Experiment to see if anything else can be eliminated.


    • icons: string

    Returns Provider