Expects exactly one call to have been made to a jasmine spy, for it to have received the given arguments, then resets the spy.
const spy = jasmine.createSpy();spy(1, 2);expectSingleCallAndReset(spy, 1, 2); // passexpectSingleCallAndReset(spy, 1, 2); // failspy(3);spy(4);expectSingleCallAndReset(spy, 3); // fail Copy
const spy = jasmine.createSpy();spy(1, 2);expectSingleCallAndReset(spy, 1, 2); // passexpectSingleCallAndReset(spy, 1, 2); // failspy(3);spy(4);expectSingleCallAndReset(spy, 3); // fail
Expects exactly one call to have been made to a jasmine spy, for it to have received the given arguments, then resets the spy.