Here is a basic example to set up theming for Angular Material, with both light and dark themes that respect prefers-color-scheme.

@use "@angular/material" as mat;
@use "@s-libs/ng-mat-core/theming";

@include theming.full-theming(
  $dark-palettes: (
    primary: mat.define-palette(mat.$light-blue-palette),
    accent: mat.define-palette(mat.$orange-palette, A200, A100, A400),
  $light-palettes: (
    primary: mat.define-palette(mat.$blue-palette),
    accent: mat.define-palette(mat.$orange-palette, A400, A200, A700),

If you only want one theme, that is possible.

@use "@angular/material" as mat;
@use "@s-libs/ng-mat-core/theming";

@include mat.core(); // needed when you don't use the `full-theming` mixin
@include theming.light-theme(
    light-palettes: (
      primary: mat.define-palette(mat.$blue-palette),
      accent: mat.define-palette(mat.$orange-palette, A400, A200, A700),

Here is a more complex example. It uses the same colors for light and dark themes, and adds a third high-contrast theme. By default, it respects prefers-color-scheme to choose between light and dark. But it allows you to force a specific theme when you add a class to any element (like body), so that you can implement a theme chooser.

This also demonstrates restricting the emitted styles to only the components you include in your app.

@use "@angular/material" as mat;
@use "@s-libs/ng-mat-core/theming";

$main-palettes: (
  primary: mat.define-palette(mat.$blue-grey-palette, 600, 300, 800, 500),
  accent: mat.define-palette(mat.$brown-palette, A400, A200, A700),
$high-contrast-palettes: (
  primary: mat.define-palette(mat.$blue-grey-palette, 400, 400),
  accent: mat.define-palette(mat.$orange-palette, 500),
$config: (
  dark-palettes: $main-palettes,
  light-palettes: $main-palettes,
  contrast-palettes: $high-contrast-palettes,
  modules: (

@include theming.full-theming($config...);
.force-light-theme {
  @include theming.light-theme-colors($config);
.force-dark-theme {
  @include theming.dark-theme-colors($config);
.force-contrast-theme {
  @include theming.light-theme-colors($config, "contrast-palettes");




@mixin dark-theme-colors($config, $palette-key: "dark-palettes") { ... }


Includes just the colors for a dark theme.


parameter Nameparameter Descriptionparameter Typeparameter Default value

The config object used for multiple mixins in this library. See the example in mixin-full-theming() for a description of all its options.

Map none

Which color to use from $config.



@mixin light-theme-colors($config, $palette-key: "light-palettes") { ... }


Includes just the colors for a light theme.


parameter Nameparameter Descriptionparameter Typeparameter Default value

The config object used for multiple mixins in this library. See the example in mixin-full-theming() for a description of all its options.

Map none

Which color to use from $config.



@mixin full-theming($config) { ... }


A convenience mixin to set up all Angular Material theming for your app, including separate light and dark themes that respect prefers-color-scheme.

Important: This even does @include mat.core() for you, so do not include it yourself.


parameter Nameparameter Descriptionparameter Typeparameter Default value

The config object used for multiple mixins in this library. See the example for a description of all its options.

Map none


$config: (
  // The `color` value in the map passed to `mat.generate-dark-theme()`.
  // Required when defining a dark theme unless you call `dark-theme()`
  // directly and pass it a different `$palette-key`.
  dark-palettes: (
    primary: mat.define-palette(mat.$light-blue-palette),
    accent: mat.define-palette(mat.$orange-palette, A200, A100, A400),

  // The `color` value in the map passed to `mat.generate-light-theme()`.
  // Required when defining a light theme unless you call `light-theme()`
  // directly and pass it a different `$palette-key`.
  light-palettes: (
    primary: mat.define-palette(mat.$blue-palette),
    accent: mat.define-palette(mat.$orange-palette, A400, A200, A700),

  // The `typography` value in the map passed to `mat.generate-*-theme()`.
  // Defaults to `mat.define-typography-config()`. Pass `null` to omit
  // typography from your theming.
  typography: mat.define-typography-config("sans-serif"),

  // The `density` value in the map passed to `mat.generate-*-theme()`.
  // Defaults to `0`.
  density: -1,

  // The Angular Material modules to include themes/colors for.
  // Defaults to all modules.
  modules: (


@mixin dark-theme($config, $palette-key: "dark-palettes") { ... }


Includes a dark theme for your app. This defines colors, typography, and density.


parameter Nameparameter Descriptionparameter Typeparameter Default value

The config object used for multiple mixins in this library. See the example in mixin-full-theming() for a description of all its options.

Map none

Which color to use from $config.



@mixin light-theme($config, $palette-key: "light-palettes") { ... }


Includes a light theme for your app. This defines colors, typography, and density.


parameter Nameparameter Descriptionparameter Typeparameter Default value

The config object used for multiple mixins in this library. See the example in mixin-full-theming() for a description of all its options.

Map none

Which color to use from $config.
